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This personal waterfall shows you all of YiannisP's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Closing Statement: As proven by many statistics and arguments corporal punishment should not be used in a school environment because it is proven to be a negative effect to the students and an unfair form of punishment. This is because many teachers abuse their power over the students which shows how ineffective it can be.

1 point

Some teachers discriminate against students while using corporal punishment due to their power. This can lead to unfair punishment against a specific race without the student actually doing anything bad. In Ohio, a black student named Epiphani Ali reflects on how she was punished unfairly in her old private Catholic school. She said, "It made me feel like I was being abused for no good reason — I have been on the honor roll and in honors classes since my induction into the schooling system."

Supporting Evidence: The long-term effects of corporal punishment (
1 point

Corporal punishment makes the environment of school unsafe and harmful. The American Academy of Pediatrics says corporal punishment "may contribute to disruptive and violent student behavior." Students that experience corporal punishment is more likely to use violence against others to get their way which can lead to bullying. This creates an unsafe school environment for all students.

Supporting Evidence: Should Corporal Punishment Be Used in K-12 Schools? (
1 point

One example is from Liz Middleton from London and says “ Ian Jack asks if being belted was harmful. Of course it was harmful! The emotional and physical harm done to children is not subject to shifting moralities. The thinking about it is. Child abuse is child abuse. I was belted three times. It was enduringly traumatic and continues to haunt me.”

1 point

Argument #1: Corporal punishment can affect students for the rest of their lives. There are many letters of previous students saying how corporal punishment is bad and has affected them negatively for the rest of their lives.

Supporting Evidence: Corporal punishment at school saw that pupils lived in fear (
2 points

Opening Statement: According to the 8th amendment about cruel and unusual punishment corporal punishment should not be permitted in schools.

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