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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Closing statement: Although not in play now, corporal punishment has proved to serve purpose to both the student and the teacher, showing that it can have a beneficial lasting effect, and is a good alternative to expensive methods like therapy.

1 point

When brought up with harsh punishments, the child who is now an adult will be more inclined to situations where deadlines are in play, because the fear and discipline instilled into them at a young age will have a lasting effect on them and prove to make one more ready in a job environment, where the boss can be recognized as the teacher.

0 points

The teacher has always had authority in a classroom, and the fact that corporal punishment can be used further reiterates that the teacher is perceived as an authority figure in a classroom, when compared to a student. And harsh punishment will only be used on kids who step out of line, and when the student stays in line, the environment will be neutral.

0 points

One example of this is Elizabeth Gershoff, and her saying of 'a child will not go out and rob a store after a spanking.' Beating a kid shows to have an effect on how they perceive the world, and change their outlook for the future.

Supporting Evidence: Spanking (
1 point

Argument 2: Alternate teaching and/or discipline methods may prove to be effective, corporal punishment doesn't cost anything and is firm, as opposed to methods like therapy.

Supporting Evidence: 8 Pros and Cons of Corporal Punishment (
0 points

To some extent, verbal discipline can prove to be somewhat useless. When used carefully and under surveillance, corporal punishment, however harsh, can prove to instill an element of discipline and fear. As of 2013, 81% of Americans privately support spanking children. In areas with high crime rates, verbal discipline may serve no purpose, because the kids might have been 'hardened' by their harsh surrounding atmosphere. When used well, corporal punishment can have a positive lasting effect on the student.

0 points

Opening statement: Although controversial, corporal punishment when used carefully can be positive and serve purpose to both the student and the teacher. It has been seen to be effective and instill discipline. Over time, these laws have changed but when in use, corporal punishment used in moderation is beneficial.

1 point

There are volleys used in volleyball, and foot and hand can be referred to as verbs when talking about their relative sport.

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